
cost sheet 成本單。

cost taking

To make the filing , and keep a record of all important documents , including but not limited to gm meeting minutes , cost sheet , invitation letter , documents related to the customers and related contracts 對所有重要的文件進行歸檔,包括但不限于總經理會議記錄,成本單,邀請函,與客戶往來文件,相關合同等。

After overhead cost has been entered on the job cost sheets , all elements of cost ? raw materials , direct labor and over ? head ? can be totaled 把制造費用記入分批成本單后,所有的成本要素(原料、直接人工和制造費用)即可進行總計。

In a job order costing system , job cost sheets will serve as the subsidiary records for the work in process account 采用分批成本會計法,分批成本單將作為在制品帳戶的輔助記錄。

Comparative cost sheet 比較成本表